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Part I - Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
CHAPTER 1 - The Decision-Making Process in Orthodontics
CHAPTER 2 - Special Considerations in Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
CHAPTER 3 - Psychological Aspects of Orthodontics
CHAPTER 4 - Craniofacial Imaging in Orthodontics
CHAPTER 5 - Genetics and Orthodontics
CHAPTER 6 - The Upper Airway and Cranial Morphology
CHAPTER 7 - Orthodontic Therapy and the Temporomandibular Disorder Patient
Part II - Tooth Movement: Tissue and Biomechanical Considerations
CHAPTER 8 - Craniofacial Growth and Development: evidence- Based Perspectives
CHAPTER 9 - Tissue Reactions in Orthodontics
CHAPTER 10 - Bone Physiology, Metabolism, and Biomechanics in Orthodontic Practice
CHAPTER 11 - Application of Bioengineering to Clinical Orthodontics
CHAPTER 12 - Biomechanical Considerations with Temporary Anchorage Devices
Part III - Mixed Dentition Diagnosis and Treatment
CHAPTER 13 - Interceptive Guidance of Occlusion with Emphasis on Diagnosis
CHAPTER 14 - Optimizing Orthodontic and Dentofacial Orthopedic Treatment Timing
Part IV - Orthodontic Treatment
CHAPTER 15 - Standard Edgewise: Tweed-Merrifield Philosophy, Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, and Force Systems
CHAPTER 16 - Contemporary Treatment Mechanics Using the Straight Wire Appliance
CHAPTER 17 - Self-Ligating brackets: Theory, Practice and Evidence
CHAPTER 18 - Lingual Orthodontics with Completely Customized Appliances
CHAPTER 19 - Clear Aligner Treatment
Part V - Specialized Treatment Considerations
CHAPTER 20 - Integrating Digital and Robotic Technologies: Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, and Therapeutics
CHAPTER 21 - Bonding in Orthodontics
CHAPTER 22 - Nonextraction Treatment
CHAPTER 23 - Periodontal–Orthodontic Interrelationships
CHAPTER 24 - Adult Interdisciplinary Therapy: Diagnosis and Treatment
CHAPTER 25 - Orthodontic Aspects of Orthognathic Surgery
CHAPTER 26 - The Orthodontist’S Role in a Cleft–Palate Craniofacial Team
CHAPTER 27 - Stability, Retention and Relapse
Part VI - Orthodontic Materials and the Evaluation of New Approaches
CHAPTER 28 - Dental Materials in Orthodontics
CHAPTER 29 - Searching for Evidence in Clinical Practice
CHAPTER 30 - Lasers in Orthodontics
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